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Sunday, September 30, 2007 @ 5:02 PM

范范 范玮琪 - 没那么爱他

due to sum technical difficulties, i'll post the pix of mt Army Museum+S'pore Discovery Centre outing nxt time... Ciaoz~

"I've changed... for the worse"

Friday, September 28, 2007 @ 1:17 AM

loooooooooooooong post

hmm.... let mi start by asking... hav ani1 wondered wat will happen 2 a grp of frenz... all berri 好胜, like mi.... all got berri fustrated when.... 'tings-din-goes-s-smoothly'... well... i agreed la... i;m tiz kind of a person... 好胜的完美主义者....

would it be like....

juz left the in the middle of sumting??? though knowing tings wun go ur way.
scold ppl ani how??? tats mi
ermm... leave w/o saying gdbye???

well... i duno.... aniway... i felt abit dishearted on sumtings... but duno hu 2 go to....

aniway... tio tagged by JX... again~~~~ haiz...

List out your top 5 birthday presents you wish for:
* Car License

* 'Stage' Clothing
* A person to spent the romantic X'mas wif mi
* Rich???? =/
* Whateva i wanted

Answer the following questions:
1. The person/people who tagged you is/are?
* Tan Jia Xin aka Rain
2. Your relationship with him/her is…
* OMG... i'm EMO-King... she's of cuz... EMO-Fren la...
3. Your 5 impressions of him/her…
* Emo
* Nv the same when there's a 2nd person ard

* High Forehead/Mini Eyes
* Short =X, i mean 不高
* Did i mention........ EMO????
4. The most memorable thing he/she had done for you…
* ermm... helped mi getting thru " ©® " era...
5. The most memorable words he/she had said to you…
* Lots.... cant possibly mi pt it out here... 心知肚明
6. If he/she becomes your lover, he/she will…
* 隆胸, 隆鼻
7. If he/she becomes your lover, things he/she has to improve on will be…
* Sex Appeal... mwhahahahaha
8. If he/she becomes your enemy, you will…
* Nah, she wun... i 疼 her too much... *innocent eyes*
9. If he/she becomes your enemy, the reason will be…
* Killed Rac/Family/男人帮/MAFIAs
10. The most desire thing you want to do for him/her now is…
* Cure her emo-illness
11. Your overall impression of him/her is…
* Nice Fren, Secret-Free, "Not-there" when u need her, Pubber, Clubber, Mahjong-Crazy, my successor(Emo-Queen)
12. How you think people around you will feel about you?
* 好胜, Girly, Pervert, Despo???? hahahahahhahahaha
13. The character you love of yourself are…
* I'm Gals-Oriented... hhahahahaha... Pervert-ionist too...
14. On the contrary, the characters you hate of yourself are…
* 好胜, Perfectionist...
15. The most ideal person you want to be is…
* Show 罗志祥
16. For people that care and like you, say something to them…
* [F]oreva gonna b ur frenz...
* [R]egretted nv know u guyz earlier
* [E]joys the company u guyz gave
[N]v gonna 4get every single footprints u imprinted in my heart
* [S]urprized tat u guyz nv 嫌弃 mi
* [4] great tings happened to mi... Rachel, 男人帮, MAFIAs, Family
* [E]very1 is in my heart, till it stopps beating
* [V]ery touched tat 你们为我心痛
* [A]nticipates our nxt trips tgt
17. Pass this quiz to 10 persons that you wish to know how they feel about you…
1. Guo Hao
2. Cai Ling
3. Wee Liang
4. Yean Seng
5. Shannon Sng(100% guy okokokokok)

6. Liang Chou(in case he din read JX's blog)
7. Vivian Chua aka 校花

8. Janice
9. Sharon Cheow
10. My Bro(though he fcuking dun read my blog)

Who is No.6 having relationship with?
* Single, but current can sae wif mi la... mhahahahahahaha
Is No.9 a male or female?
* ermm... she, wif abit of 'him' inside....
If No.7 and 10 are together, will it be a good thing?
* duno if they accept 姐弟恋
How about No.8 and 5?
* waa... so zhun??? knn... they're a couple
What is No.2 studying about?
* ermm... Guan-Hui-logy???? haha... O's tiz yr, 加油...
When was the last time you had a chat with No.3?
* berri long... 30mins ago
What kind of music band does No.8 like?
* Min. is My Chemical Romance.... Max. is Show 罗志祥
Does No.1 has any siblings ?
* if he looks into a mirror, he got a twin bro... other than tat times... nah~
Will you woo No.3 ?
* Ahem... i'm totally mad abt gals... and No.3 is a guy...
How about No.7 ?
* hmmm... i dun mind la... she's pretty/gd/frenly/suan-ly... 1st gal i notice in poly couple of yrs back....
Is No.4 single ?
* Nah~ he's attached to Chee Kang(din include in de list cuz his blog = nv open)...
What is the surname of no.5?
* READ URSELF, so old liao still wanna ppl baby-feed u
What is the nickname of no.10?
* 排骨王
What is the hobby of no.4?
* Army ba, i guess...
Do no.5 and 9 get along well?
* wat do 'ALL HELL BREAKS LOOSE" xplain???
Where is no.2 studying at?
* if i'm not rong, Fajar Sec Sch
Talk something casually about no.1?
* sum1 i look upon... but sumtimes we clashes cuz i wanna win him... i'm 好胜, rmb???
Have you try developing feelings for no.8?
* haha... she's others... & i'm her 老大... I-M-P-O-S-S-I-B-L-E

"I've changed... for the worse"

Thursday, September 27, 2007 @ 11:35 AM

Backstreet Boys - Inconsolable

"I've changed... for the worse"

Tuesday, September 25, 2007 @ 10:05 PM


2dae is the Mid Atumn Festival... so lets cheers 2 it... though i'm alone... 2nd yr din celebrate another festival le... hip hip hurrays... =)

well... tings hasn't gone berri well lately... but nvtheless... life still gotta go on... till its reali the end of the 'Cheong' family line... aniway... happi Mid Atumn again..... gonna post up sum of the lastest pix.....

MAFIAs... lack of Janice??? (nvm abt mi being fat, shit JX, always remind mi)

btw... shannon got a phobia of water... but he still trust us... though he screams like a gal sumtimes... =X

There she is... introducing... Janice...

OMG!!! JH... ur rare appearence on the pit caught u on fire...

ahem.... new reciept.... "Charcoal Chicken Chop"
(look at the 'black' ting near my mouth)

"I've changed... for the worse"

Sunday, September 23, 2007 @ 9:55 PM


YS AH!!!!!!!!!!!!! 一路顺风

"I've changed... for the worse"

@ 2:34 AM

对不起... =..(


tears rolling down... while my remose... rising up.... haven cried 4 a long long time... where r all my confide when i nid them.... i nid their voices.... i nid~~~

对不起 :

对不起 :


why i love my family more everyday, but manage to threw my tempers at them oways...

"I've changed... for the worse"

Monday, September 17, 2007 @ 1:10 AM

Pulau Ubin 一日游

gonna b back 4 more pix... juz make do wif these....

"I've changed... for the worse"

Thursday, September 13, 2007 @ 10:23 PM

celebrities... so untrue 2 themselves...

ok....... tiz post came rite after the show, Tab TV... on chn5... the whole show is toking abt mainly on the bad pts of convenctional cameras, hp etc.... stories of Tammy sex vid & the female students assault... all taken by a hp...

i rmb a female celebrity, Ga**e on the show... she 'claims' tat she wun do tat... 'Hell NO!!!! respect the body tat god gives' or wat so eva.... well... given the agitations, frm her eyes, or face, i can c tat she's so untrue la.... hell no hell no... my ass... if u're on a high... esp when u & ur beau r abt 2 start... s if u fcuking care there's filming goin on... wth.... bullshit..... i dun b'live tat u wun la... i mean... if ur beau asked 4 it.... & u love him tat much..... sae wat... 'if tat person claims to love mi, he wun even tink of it'... welll too bad.... guyz r like tat..... wat tings r in, wat are trendy... guyz will hav a part 2 play in it... so i tink tiz whole sex vidoe tingy is juz forcing sum untrue comments frm the celebs...

well... lets c.... try asking Fann, Zoe, Show, Selina etc.... ask if they hav sex & taken film b4.... u wun get 2 noe if they would... i swear... they'll sae... NO!!!! its rong....

in my pt of view.. bullshit!!!!! if Christopher Lee wans Fann 2 film.... i dun tink she'll b tat agitated lo... after all... its all between the couples......

ok~~~~ i mean... Tammy's sex vid attracts alot... i noe... but... she reali doesnt mean 2 spread it... i dun tink its a crime 2 film & 4 personal keepsake.... dun nida give a fcuking big deal 2 broadcast, m i rite??? i b'live even though tiz whole ting is rong.... a LARGE amt of ppl will hav it... its juz tat... the rong person is not who filming it... its those hu curculating it...

its the same idea s u cant convict sum1 hu films 4 keepsake... unless he/she spreads it... or sae.... its not a crime u spilts... its a crime onli when u're caught.... =)

Celebrities... i noe their 难处..... but... i simply hate those bullshits.... we teenagers... dun watch talkshows, debates shows tat often, tats the main reason... BULLSHITS!!!!

"I've changed... for the worse"

Wednesday, September 12, 2007 @ 10:20 PM

the very same qns i wanna ask myself...


迷路兵 - 我为什么还爱你


你的爱 已不在




你的爱 已不在



"I've changed... for the worse"

Tuesday, September 11, 2007 @ 10:11 PM

the structure of Chinatown point... the floors r slanted....

the slippers 男人帮 gave.... =)... tankz... though the design i chose myself... haha

the prezzie i gave myself... the 1 in "Cameroon" colors

the 男人帮 gathering, in the name of my bd... jh the xtra.... haha... but tankz he 'celebrated' it wif mi twice
the prezzie 公主 bought 4 mi.... frm France, not my bd prezzie yet.... =)

my bd cake, well.... cant sae its mine, cuz the cake is 'embeded' wif "Janice"

din managed to take a pix wif my MAIFAs' prezzie then i lost it le... sorry guyz...

"I've changed... for the worse"

@ 1:15 AM

For all those who wanna abort their flesh & blood...


P/S: Ermm... i'll post my recent pix up... i promised... =)

"I've changed... for the worse"

Thursday, September 06, 2007 @ 11:09 PM



Yoz... after a short 'MIA' stint... im back wif my trusty post... haha

lets tok abt the tings tat i did, on my 'supposed-to-be-my-bd-celebration' dae.... haha....

met the MAFIAs at somerset ard 4... then went on to look 4 janice prezzies... hmm.... then we got an idea on wat we could buy.... 4 tees frm a pushing cart.... haha.... tot of getting the funni tees(u noe which ones i mean la).... but no size... so janice ah.... EAT MORE!!!! hard 2 find clothes for u lei... muhahahahahhahahahahah

then we proceed to Vil'age for our dinner, damn X... knn.... still nid Janice(oh btw, she's the bd gal, the real reason y we're out on 4th Sept...) treat us fondue.... haiz.... abit paisei.... but she's MAFIAs, so if we paisei, she might 乱乱想.... so... we go along her wishes....

then we head to the Balcony for our after dinner chill out... ok~~~~ my verdict 4 tat place..... SUX B~I~G TIME!!!!!!! Janice ah, not ur fault hor... dun tink anihow... its juz tat, i cant afford tat spenditure le... so... its sux... i spent $30 on 1 shot, 2bottles..... piece of shit...
ambience u may ask.... other than i can c my hands, cant even c the bd cake, useless piece of 'attemp-to-telecast-BPL matches... i guess pretty much of a gd pub to piss ppl off... =)
(all comments courtesy of Crizz Cheong...)

after tat, the MAFIAs cum my hse 4 the 1st time... =) then we played Monopoly & sum card games till morning... damn fcuking shag, i can sae...... then i got my throat burning, my head spining, my phelm growing the veri nxt dae... damn unwell... mayb i smoked too much.... shldnt hav re-pick up the smoking 'career' of mine... well.... situations reali do forced ppl to a certain behavious... take mi for xample...


if i'm not rong, i'm supposed to hav the celebrations wif Janice too, or shld i sae, i'm oso a BD BOI on 4th Sept, but hor... i recieved nth lei... *sobz*.. onli a pennant frm the MAFIAs(which i lost it, hrs latta, sorry guyz... i'm reali sad in losing the stuffs tat i got 4 my bd).... sum ppl MIGHT noe i treasure my fren's bd prezzie like wat..... i even ordered my bro not to even tink abt having to borrowed it or wat so eva, cuz i reali tresure it... but i still lost the pennant, the 1st actual gift i got frm them.... haiz...

wat lost is lost.... mayb tiz lost made mi a betta man?? haha.... aniway.... is half an hr's time (at the time of tiz post is born) is my bd.... i'm 20yrs old le............................................ i wanna cry... i've stepped on the nxt milestone of my life.... gotta go on.... i still got 8 milestones to go(assumed tat i got 100yrs to leave).....

Crizz 张业豪

"I've changed... for the worse"

Tuesday, September 04, 2007 @ 2:26 PM

I'm BACK!!!!!

Let mi cum back wif a bang......

Show 羅志祥 - 必殺技(Bet On It)

"I've changed... for the worse"



Crizz Cheong, 张业豪 (©rizz™)
7th September 1987
Ex-Ngee Ann Polytechnic,
Sch of ICT(MBS)

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Apple iPhone 4 16GB
MORE Buttoned Shirts
Polo Rahlp Polo Tee
Fred Perry Polo Tee
Liverpool FC Away Kit(09/10)
Havaianas Flip Flops
Authentic UV-Protection Shades
Prada/Bottega/Burberry Wallet
Taiwan/Bangkok/S.Korea trip
Study Interior Design
A high-end Laptop
Class 3 license
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