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Monday, December 27, 2010 @ 6:00 PM


i guess... u're going to enjoy ur life after i packed my things ba...

Go enjoy ba... 加油....

"I've changed... for the worse"

Sunday, December 26, 2010 @ 3:48 PM

aiming for 2 new jerseys to my 2011...

"I've changed... for the worse"

@ 10:52 AM

the mask~

"I've changed... for the worse"

Monday, December 20, 2010 @ 9:39 PM

Final Stop...

"I've changed... for the worse"

Monday, November 29, 2010 @ 11:31 AM

Meer X'mas 2010

well.. its kinda ending 2010 le, so heres the last festival b4 we wrapped the... indescribably 2010...

Merry X'mas every1... =D

"I've changed... for the worse"

Tuesday, October 19, 2010 @ 10:04 PM

1st long post in awhile...

well well well... i'm back... =D

ok... lets c how much i could write after so long....

hmmm.... i'm already like the 3rd mth into my 'real' working life... its like in a flash... yes, i might curse & swear alot the 1st 2mths... but when i was stoning ard during lunch break, i found out that i din really curse & swear tat much... atleast din tweet it out... ;-)
its like.. i'm pretty much used to the f**ked up corporate world... or shld i say the outside world... really sometimes i would like to really get back to studies, but, one could only live his/her live once... and i would really hate myself for not committing in ath i do for the pass 23yrs... i have the urge to do abit of interior designing, but i nv learnt to draw, so u guys can imagine my drawings...
yes i would hate myself for not sorting my life out earlier, so i could get a Dip. in Interior Designing... but if i din take my current Dip. in MBS, i wun get to know these few amazing frenz rite? if u do wanna argue abt it, if i din go to D&T during sec sch days... wun i got less topics wif 男人帮, giving tat they're badminton-oriented now(p/s: i tried to pick up badminton, but too late)
all i could say is i've already lived in regret.. then only ting i could do is stop making it worse...
wat i'm afraid is, i've decided to give a shot @ Interior designing, but i HAVE NO back-up plan, when i have like 99% rejection rate....

i've tried to make out a back-up plan... which is cont working.. make exp = Degree... which have been shot down by my boss(i got this boss who craps wif mi during lunch). Degree is a must for any Singaporean.... we got no choice. Even there is this slim chance of succeeding, wat the hell i'm gonna work as? corporate world is not my cup of tea, sales not my coffee either.... so wat can i do? asking u guys would be futile as i dun even noe it myself...
alot of childish tinking flashes thru my mind, mayb i shld do acting? singing? stripping? porning? hahahhaa.... but even tat, looking myself in the mirror is de moralizing... one may argue there r bad looker, great singer... but i neither of both... and tell mi, how many % of those stars look bad? some suggest me go under knife... i was like, wtf....

and also... i've met some tough times wif some of my frenz... i'll keep which clique a secret, but most prob they noe i'm toking abt them la...
they're all now leading their own lives & i have no issue wif tat..
frm the day i noe them for n yrs, they have been very patient wif me... i'm well-known for my attitude prob, serious one, but they swallow it... which makes me embarrassed sometimes cuz i keep showing tat unreasonable side, where they treated me nice...
but lately, mayb their patient finished... hahahahaa... got scolded for nth, or for my acts? hahha.... wat can i say, wat comes around, goes ard...
& sometimes i give tat shitty face, basically is cuz i felt left out... i keep tinking got me, no me oso no diff... so y i nida make the extra mile to accomadate ppl? and the prob is... i cant relate ath of their conversation, made me look like a retarded... even short trip oso abt blah blah blah... blah blah blah... i was not told, not updated, not briefed... basically, juz frustrating... juz by typing this out i'm already very angry.... =S

excuse me, but m i blabbering too much?oh well... then i shall move on....

been on the train more than i'm jacking myself off, but i've seen alot tings that afternoon town-goers dun c.... i've seen very senior ppl vying seats wif mid-age ppl... and sometimes won, which i congratulate them... but i've seen youngster whom sit down wif the 'F**k off, old hag' faces... i feel like punching them... but another tot interrupted mi... wat if the old women is my mum, or the old man is my dad... we're now not doing very well.. so if it cont, wun they hav to take the train(cuz we're too poor to afford a car), worse of all... they're still working @ their age... tats the correct time to say FML... not all of my frenz, but like... 80% of them hav a family ride.... so not much of an issue to them, but these useless tots juz screw my day whenever i tink of it....

ok... i tink the 1st part u guys would have skipped it... so no pt for me to prolong the contents... now, for the upcoming plans...

  1. Batam Trip
    • going for a short short short holiday wif my poly gang... some have left, some gained.. for those who have left, i guess this gang is not impt enuff for u to check us out anymore... hope the couples, 白头偕老 ... those who got new cliques, dun walk out on them later on...
    • its gonna be fun, cuz the 'old-bird' LC's gonna lead us to enjoy Batam to the fullest... wat i'm looking forward is the 'special service'.. ;-)
  1. Halloween Party @ Zouk
    • my 2nd halloween, not gonna expect much other then Drink Drank Drank.. but atleast i'm gonna try dressing up... =D
    • its very gd to have frenz who r very on... so i kinda very glad i got LC... he's probably the 'on-nest' person i noe.. he's 1 of the reason y i nv regret getting tat MBS dip... but probably he did la... =D
    • well.. we're gonna try & shut Zouk down tat day... so if any1 is going Zouk, gimme a call, mayb we can try shut it down tgt.. =D

well.. tats it... actually, on my way back hm, i tot of alot more tings to blog, but i got lazy... eventually... =/


"I've changed... for the worse"

Sunday, October 03, 2010 @ 5:49 PM

RMIT Bash 2010 @ Zouk...

well.. in case ppl complain tat i din update my blog.... i'm gonna do a 40% blog entry... =)

Starting frm Mon... welll... nth much actually happens on wkdays... but had lunch wif my Jia Xin on Mon+Wed+Fri... hahhaa... so kinda the only highlight is lunchtime nia...
and also had lunch wif Sharon @ Maxwell... 1st time there... pretty shiok... (m i singaporean?)
other than those 1hr lunch break... the rest juz fucked up ur day... =)

 The lady who made it happen... Ms Vivian Chua =)

the pageant boy Gab (2nd frm right) 

nth special till Thurs nite, its my buddy's pageant bash... even knew tat he wun win ath (cuz his competition was tough)... still went down in my freaking formal wear to club.... i started off awkwardly (cuz of the ugly formal wear)... i ended up dancing... =D
as expected, Gab din win ath... Jerald won... & Gab's eye candy won the female top prize... congrats... mayb he can start gathering his balls to start woo-ing Miss RMIT 2010... =D gd luck buddy...

Fri, nth much... went town wif bro... waited for him like 1.5hrs... knn.. i even fin walking Boarders... alot of new books wif attractive titles, but sorry to all authors, i'm no reader... =/ even Gerrard's & Torres' biography dun attracts me.. i duno wat will... hahahhaha

Sat??? well... at hm nua~~~~
Sun??? well... at hm nua~~~~

*P/S : on a side note... grats Nic, Afgan, Gab who won the SIM Sports Fiesta... great doubles champs... =)

"I've changed... for the worse"

Saturday, October 02, 2010 @ 9:08 PM

sometings abt my 23rd... =D

"I've changed... for the worse"

Sunday, September 05, 2010 @ 11:08 AM


"I've changed... for the worse"

Saturday, July 31, 2010 @ 11:41 PM

Youth Don't Lose... Invincible Youth!!!

"I've changed... for the worse"



Crizz Cheong, 张业豪 (©rizz™)
7th September 1987
Ex-Ngee Ann Polytechnic,
Sch of ICT(MBS)

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Shut Up & Tagg

Most Wanted

I Wish I Wish...

Apple iPhone 4 16GB
MORE Buttoned Shirts
Polo Rahlp Polo Tee
Fred Perry Polo Tee
Liverpool FC Away Kit(09/10)
Havaianas Flip Flops
Authentic UV-Protection Shades
Prada/Bottega/Burberry Wallet
Taiwan/Bangkok/S.Korea trip
Study Interior Design
A high-end Laptop
Class 3 license
Class 2B/2A/2 license

